Twitter is now not only a microbloging but also a useful utility for keeping in touch with the news and trendy topics. The biggest revolution of Twitter is its capacity to change nature of search and create demand for real-time search engines. The followings are some of the latest Twitter trends explored by marketers.
Real-Time Search Engines
Twitter has exceptionally created demand for the real time search but fails to organize real time information into useful bites of information. To fill this gap left by Twitter, there are many companies trying their innovative ways to tackle the organization of link and content in different manners. OneRiot and Tweetmeme are the most noticeable Twitter search engines which provide aggregate data in real search environment and are widely used by brands and professionals for tracking online conversations.
Verified Accounts
With a limited verification to celebrities, musicians, athletes, actors and public officials, Twitter has started its Verified Accounts program. It would decrease liability on Twitter and would make social network more responsive. Moreover, Verified accounts for businesses are pending as they would provide seal of authenticity from Twitter. As Twitter is under process for developing paid business, it is reserving verification under this category.
Trending Twitter Giveaways
Use of hashtag # for Square Space or any other company is creating a great trend over Twitter. Square Space topped the Twitter trends with iPhone 3G S giveaways as they were offering gift cards. Artists, musician and fame loving person is trying his bit using hashtag # to come up on the top position on Twitter.
Sponsored Tweets
Sponsored conversations on Twitter have started taking shape. There are different types of sponsored tweets visible through Twitter and some of them are legitimate to monetize Twitter stream. Companies like Magpie, TwittAd and adCause have developed Twitter as networks so that advertisers and Twitterers can find each other.
Twitter Chat
Twitter now has developed into a powerful communication platform, and luring sites like and Ustream (ustream). It upgrades their standard chat features to make it employable for bigger audiences on Twitter. has integrated with Twitter to let video viewers to view all the tweets diverted from Twitter users in the channel. So, tweets about the video appear in the chat area. Ustream fully designed Twitter chat functionality enables Twitterers to participate in a Twitter stream with other viewers in an additional chat area on Ustream
14 years ago
Imagine if you could get Obama to say something nice about your product on Twitter, hundreds of thousands of his followers would become your customers in a second. And you don't even need to pay for any ads!